Retirement Nestegg Report – September 2012

Retirement Nestegg Report – September 2012

Another good month for my retirement nestegg – another all-time new high and another month of outperforming the SP500. I will soon start making contributions for my Roth IRA accounts for this year and hope to start amping up my retirement savings again. Still no luck on finding land but feel comfortable that $160k is an ample cash reserve for making a down payment. Should be expecting child #4 before next months retirement nestegg report and am back down to the normal 1 income going forward for the foreseeable future. The one year of having two incomes was pretty awesome and allowed us to top of our house savings – now back to business as usual and hope to start super charging our retirement savings again.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $16,396.32 (+5.71%)
My Roth IRA – $57,087.40(+3.15%)
Wife Roth IRA – $30,353.10 (+2.05%)
Traditional 401k – $116,495.37 (+2.73%)

Roth/Traditional % = 39.68% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $220,332.19 (+2.96%)

Monthly Contributions $715.28 (401k)
SPY Performance +1.90%
My Monthly Investment Performance +2.63% (+0.73%)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance +3.22% (+1.32%)