Well it seems like this is the thing to do this time of year, so here goes. Here are the “best” posts I made this year.
Reasons why you should not save for Retirement – Probably my favorite article from 2006
Realistic Rate of Return series – I should really finish this up, should be about a 6-part series
Wal-Mart wallet photos for a whole lot less – Great way to get some really inexpensive wallet photos
$100,000 by Age 30 – Probably not the most educating or most well written article, but this has been a great help for me to get my retirement savings on track and I am constantly going back to it to figure out what I need to do next as far as adjusting my retirement savings.
Tracking my Net Worth – A good explanation of what that number in the upper hand corner of my blog really means and why I decided not to keep track of things like debt and Home equity
Frugal Lawncare – Part 1 – Was a fun experiment for me and I actually had pretty good results. Hopefully Harry Jones in the comments had similar results.