Retirement Nestegg Report – August 2008

Retirement Nestegg Report – August 2008

I’m going to keep this short and sweet because I’ve actually got plans to write more posts than this stupid report each month. I’ve upgraded this blog and am going to try to find time to post at least once a week if not more here. See numbers below but my retirement nestegg grew a little under 4% this month.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $12,783.76 (+0.96%)
My Roth IRA – $32,901.67 (+8.08%)
Wife Roth IRA – $16,532.93 (+1.83%)
Current Traditional 401k – $28,595.75 (+1.73%)

Roth/Traditional % = 54.43% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $90,814.11 (+3.85%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – July 2008

Retirement Nestegg Report – July 2008

I’m getting to the point where I’m probably not going to add a lot of commentary to each one of these monthly reports due to the fact that well not much really can change to your portfolio in one month. The main reason I do this each month still is so that I have a set of data points that I can plot over time so I can come back and look at a bad month like last month and see how insignificant short-term fluctuations in the market are in the overall growth of your portfolio.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $12,661.60 (+6.73%)
My Roth IRA – $30,439.54(+9.99%)
Wife Roth IRA – $16,236.36 (+1.02%)
Current Traditional 401k – $28,109.95 (+2.87%)

Roth/Traditional % = 53.38% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $87,447.45 (+5.44%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – June 2008

Retirement Nestegg Report – June 2008

Well overall a pretty ugly month if you are concerned with short-term investment performance. On the flip side a pretty exciting month if you are a buyer such as myself. Overall my retirement nestegg dropped by over 8% in just one month, but at the same time the stock market dropped over 9% last month so my investments may have actually made a little ground on the overall market last month.

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Update on my $100,000 by Age 30 Salary Goal

Update on my $100,000 by Age 30 Salary Goal

I almost forgot I even wrote a post about this, but in September of 2006 I wrote about my other $100,000 by age 30 goal where I mentioned that I word sort of like to be making six figures by the time I turned 30. At the time it seemed pretty foolish as I was only making about half that and it’s not exactly easy to double your income in just a few years.

From that post

Well maybe I am too narrowly focused, but the only way I could think of to judge yourself was by how much money you made. I had gone to a pretty reputable college and was majoring in a pretty lucrative profession (computer science) and so I figured if I was making $100,000 a year or more by age 30 I would probably be doing pretty good. Now part of the reason I don’t mention it is because even at the time I knew that was somewhat of a stretch for my profession. I’d have to be really successful or come up with ideas for extra revenue streams (start side companies, etc).
it’s a pretty daunting feet and even if I do all of the things right that are in my control there is a very good chance that I could still fall incredibly short of that goal, but I suppose now that I actually wrote it down and know that people will make fun of me when 3 years down the road I’m still 40k short it will motivate me to get my act in gear.

Anyway this is a very soft goal as while making $100k a year sure would be a nice thing, it’s not something I actually need to support my family, plan for an early retirement, put my kids through college, etc. At same time if I do have the skills, talents, and education to make it happen I probably owe it to myself to give it a decent effort.

So mark my words 2 years 11 months I’ll be pulling in 6 figures 🙂

Well here we are just a year and a half later and I’ve made some pretty good progress on this goal. I’ve since taken a new position with a different company and have been promoted to manager of my department. Things have gone so well in fact that I think I might even have a shot at attaining this goal this year (I turn 29 in August).

Let’s take a look at my income this year

Base Salary $81,142.88
Bonus received in February $1,636.66
Bonus received in March $10,074.38

That puts me at $92,853.92 for income that I have or will have received from work this year. Which puts my awfully darn close to $100,000 a year and makes me think I better do something about it.

I do have some other side income that I receive for developing and maintaining some ecommerce sites for a friend as well as a small amount of income I make off this blog that results in an estimated additional $3,000 a year which puts me at just under $96,000. So I guess if I can find away to make an extra $5,000 in the next 7 months there is a very good chance that I will achieve my goal and really since I turn 30 next August is the last chance I have to break six figures.

So I guess it is up to me to be creative and think of ways to make that extra money. The most obvious way for me to make that extra money would be to pick up a side development project as that would probably be the easiest and fastest way to make the extra money. The problem is finding the client and the extra time to do the work.

I do get $1500 for every person I refer at my place of employment and did refer once person last year and got the bonus and almost had one of my referrals get hired this last week. So in theory I could just refer 3 people for jobs and I would be set (although this is unlikely).

I guess the $100,000 income goal isn’t important enough to me to actually go out and get something like a part-time job just to get me over the mark. My time is much more valuable than the extra $5k and achieving some rather meaningless financial goal. So I guess what I’m looking for is using some talent I have that will allow me to make some extra money without dedicating a bunch of time doing something I normally wouldn’t be doing if it weren’t for the money.

In other words I view this goal more as maximizing my talents and abilities to earn as much income as I have the ability to rather than the specifics of reaching a certain salary ($100k). I view it more like a basketball player who has 25 points, 12 boards, and 8 assists and who’s team is winning by 15 points looking to get the additional 2 assists in the last few minutes so that they can brag that they had a triple double when regardless its obvious they had a great game either way.

So I guess there are a couple of reasons that I drug up this post. First off it is another example of me putting a goal down in writing and in just a short period of time making pretty incredible progress towards achieving the goal. Second it gives me a chance to be creative and try to figure out additional ways to make some extra money that will not require a lot of additional effort or time (things such as donating plasma, signing up for online surveys, etc.). Finally it forced me to evaluate my progress – there really is no point in coming up with a goal if you don’t track your progress over time and figure out whether or not you are on the right track. With this goal even though I may or may not fully achieve it I think I’m definitely on the right track.

So I guess I’ll turn the conversation over to you. Anyone got any ideas for good side gigs to earn some additional cash?

Retirement Nestegg Report – May 2008

Retirement Nestegg Report – May 2008

I apologize for not posting more – I’ve got a ton of posts in my draft folder that are about 90% done and I just never finish them. Hate seeing my history of posts only including my monthly reports, but anyway here is my latest monthly report. Another good month for me and one thing I’ve noticed is that the power of compounding in my investments is really starting to show itself as just a 5% gain in my portfolio results in about a $5,000 increase in my retirement nestegg. A couple more good months and I should be passing the $100,000 mark which honestly just a few years ago seemed unimaginable.

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Retirement Nestegg Report – April 2008

Retirement Nestegg Report – April 2008

Turned out to be a great month for my retirement nestegg growth, the best part is this months gains were due almost entirely towards investment gains versus me contributing a bunch of money. It just goes to show you that if you were going to try to react to the stock market fluctuations you will only end up shooting yourself in the foot. The market in general had been about as gloomy as it has been since I’ve been investing and last month was no peach as far as the direction my investments were heading, but I’m pretty sure this month has been one of my best performances ever. Regardless short-term glances like this mean nothing in the long-term other than looking back I can track my progress over time and see how insignificant month to month fluctuations really are.

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Retirement Nestegg Report – March 2008

Retirement Nestegg Report – March 2008

Well the good news is that my retirement nestegg grew by nearly 8% this month. The bad news is I had to do most of the heavy lifting as for the month as I had a negative investment return. I had some pretty big contributions this month, first off my annual bonus ended up being over $10k of which 21% of that went to my 401k. I also made a $2750 contribution for my wife’s Roth IRA at Zecco (see new account below). I also had an abnormal amount of normal paycheck contributions hit my 401k this month so overall I had nearly $6,000 in new contributions this month. Luckily my account is small enough yet where my contributions can offset any negative investment performance and keep my account total growing.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $12,200.55 (+2.73%)
My Roth IRA – $28,467.49 (-4.00%)
Wife Roth IRA (Scottrade) – $13,387.32 (-0.40%)
Wife Roth IRA (Zecco) – $2750.00 (+100%)
Current Traditional 401k – $22,193.94 (+22.32%)

Roth/Traditional % = 56.46% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $78,999.30 (+7.80%)