Interim Retirement Nestegg Report – I broke $600,000

Interim Retirement Nestegg Report – I broke $600,000

Today I officially broke through the $600,000 barrier for the first time in my life. It actually took me 16 months to add another $100k onto my retirement nestegg which is longer than it took me to go from 400k to 500k and 300k to 400k, which is not exactly how this compounding this is supposed to work. That being said the market has only gained 3-4% while my nestegg has increased 20% in the same time.

This would be all great news, but the vast majority of those gains were not from investment outperformance, but from my contributions as I’ve contributed almost $85k during this period of time. So the good news is I have been able to greatly pick up my contributions in the last 16 months and the good new is that even in a flattish market my nestegg continues to grow and is supercharged waiting for the next uplift of the market to greatly increase the frequencies of these types of posts.

Taxable Account – $46,743.60
Traditional Rollover IRA – $33,088.57
My Roth IRA – $149,981.23
Wife Roth IRA – $84,937.29
Traditional 401k – $286,484.24

Total Retirement Nestegg – $601,234.93

$100,000 NestEgg Milestones

Date DOW Jones Value MFJ Nestegg
Oct 2008 10,000 $ 69,300
Oct 2009 10,000 (+0%) $100,000 (+44%)
Feb 2012 13,000 (+30%) $200,000 (+100%)
Jul 2013 15,423 (+19%) $300,000 (+50%)
Feb 2014 16,395.88 (+6.3%) $400,000 (+33%)
April 2015 18,084.48 (+10.30%) $500,000 (+25%)
August 2016 18,636.05 (+3.05%) $600,000 (+20%)
Retirement Nestegg Report – July 2016

Retirement Nestegg Report – July 2016

Another all-time high for my nestegg and some out performance by my investments of the SP500 index. Overall a good month and I’m getting close to another milestone as I approach the $600k mark – which honestly is taking longer than I had anticipated. Overall my investments have not been doing that hot this year so I’m hoping that as things turn around I’ll bust through 600 and hopefully 700 in the relatively near future. Roughly a 15% increase without any contributions results in about 100k of returns. With my contributions going forward I should expect to be breaking through new 100k barries at least once a year going forward and then likely a couple times a year. Got to love compounding.

Taxable Account- $47,051.91 (+5.48%)
Traditional Rollover IRA – $32,438.03 (+9.65%)
My Roth IRA – $146,776.00 (+5.10%)
Wife Roth IRA – $83,420.31 (+2.78%)
Traditional 401k – $281,979.93 (+5.63%)

Roth/Traditional % = 38.91% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $591,666.18 (+11.22%)
Retirement Salary (4%) – $23,666.65

Monthly Contributions $2,056.74 (401k)
SP500 Performance +3.56%
My Monthly Investment Performance +4.92% (+1.36% vs SP500)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance +4.97% (+1.41% vs SP500)

Retirement Nestegg Report – June 2016

Retirement Nestegg Report – June 2016

Well kind of a mixed month for me. The good news is that my retirement nestegg is at an all-time high, the bad news is that my investments under performed the market quite a bit this month and this year in general and the only reason I hit an all-time new high is that I contributed $26,000 into my taxable account.

The $26,000 was part of $50,000 emergency savings that I had sitting on the sideline to absorb any unforeseen house expenses and be available for other unexpected purchases. Now that we are in our new house and the bulk of the construction costs are now completed I figured it made more sense to get a chunk of that money into the market as $25,000 should be a pretty good safety cushion for an emergency.

Hopefully now that I have contributed over $60,000 YTD and that I will now only be contributing the bare minimum to get 401k match the rest of the year hopefully my investments can get back on track and I can really start charting some new territory with regards to all-time highs.

Taxable Account- $44,606.20 (+134.40%)
Traditional Rollover IRA – $29,583.93 (+0.41%)
My Roth IRA – $139,659.94 (-2.58%)
Wife Roth IRA – $81,165.31 (-2.75%))
Traditional 401k – $266,949.21 (0.00%)

Roth/Traditional % = 39.30% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $561,964.58 (+3.61%)
Retirement Salary (4%) – $22,478.58

Monthly Contributions $1,371.16 (401k) $26,000 (Taxable Account)
SP500 Performance +0.09%
My Monthly Investment Performance -1.25% (-1.34% vs SP500)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance -1.92% (-2.01% vs SP500)

Retirement Nestegg Report – May 2016

Retirement Nestegg Report – May 2016

Well not a super great month for my investment performance, but did get some overall growth. One item that caught my eye was that in the first 5 months of the year I have contributed nearly $32,000 to my retirement accounts when you add in my employers generous matching program. When I look back at one of the first goals this blog had was to save $100,000 by the time I was 30 and now that I am now just 5 or 6 years later I am saving almost half that amount in a single year.

Certainly you don’t get the same returns when it comes to your salary as you do in the market, but the compounding effect of earning more money and keep expenses low is also quite impressive. It was pretty hard and at times I was saving well over half of my disposable income trying to save enough to him my $100k by 30 goal and now days I have 5 kids, single income, built an extravagant house and I’m averaging over $6k per month in retirement savings. Now granted most of this is front loaded as my 401k matching and bonus and IRA contributions are all done early in the year, but it is still fun to see. Now all I need is a little help from the market to turn this nestegg into a lifetime of financial security for me and my family. In the meantime I will keep throwing logs on the fire.

Taxable Account- $19,030.40 (-6.56%)
Traditional Rollover IRA – $29,462.05 (-0.38%)
My Roth IRA – $143,355.01 (+1.61%)
Wife Roth IRA – $83,462.48 (+8.33%)
Traditional 401k – $267,061.50 (+1.71%)

Roth/Traditional % = 41.82% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $542,371.44 (+2.21%)
Retirement Salary (4%) – $21,694.86

Monthly Contributions $1,279.75 (401k) $5500 (Wife Roth IRA)
SP500 Performance +1.53%
My Monthly Investment Performance +0.93% (-0.60% vs SP500)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance +0.65% (-0.88% vs SP500)

Retirement Nestegg Report – April 2016

Retirement Nestegg Report – April 2016

Taxable Account- $20,366.02 (+1.02%)
Traditional Rollover IRA – $29,574.73 (-5.11%)
My Roth IRA – $141,085.04 (-2.20%)
Wife Roth IRA – $77,048.21 (-1.31%)
Traditional 401k – $262,576.57 (+1.87%)

Roth/Traditional % = 42.91% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $530,650.57 (-0.14%)
Retirement Salary (4%) – $21,226.02

Monthly Contributions $1,405.93 (401k)
SP500 Performance +0.27%
My Monthly Investment Performance -0.41% (-0.68% vs SP500)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance -2.04% (-2.31% vs SP500)

Retirement Nestegg Report – March 2016

Retirement Nestegg Report – March 2016

Well a pretty good month for my retirement nestegg. It grew by about $46,000 in one month which is nice. I had the benefit of having over $8k in contributions to my 401k due to receiving a bonus at work this month. This is in addition to the $8k I had last month due to a chunk of my 401k matching hitting as well. Overall it was a wise decision to take my current job 9 years ago due to the very generous bonus and 401k matching programs. I really have not put a ton of effort into my 401k the last 9 years and it has grown to over a quarter of a million dollars!

Not much else to update on this month, but next month should be an exciting as we will hopefully be moved into our dream house – we will have a new giant mortgage and the variability and unknowns for my future financials will be much more stable and I can start concentrating and putting concrete plans on when I will be financially independent and can ditch the normal job.

Taxable Account- $20,160.72 (+15.66%)
Traditional Rollover IRA – $31,167.19 (+1.45%)
My Roth IRA – $144,255.27 (+6.31%)
Wife Roth IRA – $78,074.54 (+5.89%)
Traditional 401k – $257,744.76 (+12.98%)

Roth/Traditional % = 42.91% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $531,402.48 (+9.41%)
Retirement Salary (4%) – $21,256.10

Monthly Contributions $8,293.03 (401k)
SP500 Performance +6.60%
My Monthly Investment Performance +9.41% (+2.81% vs SP500)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance 6.24% (-0.36% vs SP500)

Retirement Nestegg Report – February 2016

Retirement Nestegg Report – February 2016

Taxable Account- $17,432.54 (-10.30%)
Traditional Rollover IRA – $30,722.07 (+3.38%)
My Roth IRA – $135,692.92 (+1.86%)
Wife Roth IRA – $73,732.62 (+0.35%)
Traditional 401k – $228,140.00 (+1.02%)

Roth/Traditional % = 42.91% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $485,720.15 (+0.84%)
Retirement Salary (4%) – $19,428.81

Monthly Contributions $8,089.68 (401k)
SP500 Performance -0.41%
My Monthly Investment Performance -0.84% (-0.43% vs SP500)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance -0.49% (-0.08% vs SP500)