Retirement NestEgg Report – April 2007

Retirement NestEgg Report – April 2007

Another pretty good month for my retirement nest egg. The stock market sure has been on a good tear for a long time now, which honestly kind of stinks. While it’s nice to see your accounts going up every month, I certainly wouldn’t mind being able to buy stuff on the cheap at my age if we went through a couple years of downturn. One thing to note is for the last two months I have missed my Roth IRA contributions. This is due partly because I decided to splurge and pay off my HELOC. I’m hoping this month I’ll be able to squeeze some money into my Roth IRA accounts, but if not either way I plan on still maxing them both out by the end of the year (this is the first year I didn’t max both accounts out on Jan 1 – again due to me wanting to eliminate my HELOC first). Anyway here are the numbers.

My Roth IRA – $11,142.22 (+2.65%)
Wife Roth IRA – $14,795.05 (+2.81%)
Old Employer Traditional 401K – $12,446.10 (+3.68%)
Old Employer Roth 401K – $13,525.55 (+3.73%)
Current Traditional 401k – $3,196.06 (+70.49%)

Roth/Traditional % = 73.39% (tax free)71.61%

Total Retirement Nest Egg $55,104.98 (+5.64%)