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Retirement Nestegg Report – February 2010

Retirement Nestegg Report – February 2010

Another strong month this month. Part of this is due to the fact that my company put in their year end 5.5% contribution into my 401k (this is on top of the 4% they match with each paycheck). I also had some very strong performance in some of my larger stock holdings. One thing that I am going to start adding to these reports just as a reference point is the gain of the SP500 during the month. This won’t be entirely useful as I don’t subtract out contributions when calculating my gains, but I still think it would be a good reference to have. Anyway here is my report.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $10,959.90 (+0.74%)
My Roth IRA – $ 33,769.03 (+6.27%)
Wife Roth IRA – $18,663.59 (+5.94%)
Current Traditional 401k – $58,770.74 (+12.47%)

Roth/Traditional % = 42.92% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $122,163.26 (+8.56%)

My contributions this month – $5,492.45
SPY Performance +2.39%
My Monthly Investment Performance +3.68% (+1.29%)
My Monthly Stock Investment Performance +3.68% (+2.79%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – January 2010

Retirement Nestegg Report – January 2010

Well the market turned a little south this month, but my retirement nestegg actually grew at a pretty good pace this month. This was entirely due to the fact that I am now fully vested in my company’s 401k matching money. My company has a very generous 401k matching program where they match dollar for dollar up to 4% of your salary and that money is 100% vested from day 1 of employment and is deposited in your 401k account with each paycheck. They also contribute another 5.5% of your salary in matching funds regardless of whether or not you contribute to your 401k at the end of each year. This is the money that is not vested until 3 years of employment – Friday was my 3 year anniversary so this resulted in about $10,000 being added to my 401k balance!

Traditional Rollover IRA – $10,879.66 (-0.36%)
My Roth IRA – $ 31,775.51 (-1.62%)
Wife Roth IRA – $17,617.68 (-1.77%)
Current Traditional 401k – $52,254.95 (+18.06%)

Roth/Traditional % = 43.89% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $112,527.80 (+6.75%)

My contributions this month – $10,579.91 (401k vesting)
SPY Performance -3.63%
My Monthly Investment Performance -3.29% (+0.34%)
My Monthly Individual Stock Performance -1.44% (+2.19%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – December 2009

Retirement Nestegg Report – December 2009

Well 2009 has come to an end and my retirement nestegg is at an all-time high. Despite things being so horrible and everything being in shambles with the economy my retirement nestegg grew 76% this year and to be honest other than these reports I barely noticed or barely cared. In fact I am to the point now where I can go a month or more without even looking at a stock market ticker or knowing whether the market went up or down, and to be honest I think this is a really good thing.

I’ve learned a lot over the past 4-5 years – I had lots of fun seeing my nestegg grow and my stocks jump or fall 20% or more in one day, but now after a few years I’ve realized that day to day, month to month, or year to year fluctuations really don’t mean anything and its just a waste of time to follow or care about them. I did my few years of homework and learned tons about personal finance and investing, put a plan together, and now I am in cruise control and can spend my time worrying about more important things like watching my kids grow up and working on my golf game. No amount of time and daily effort on my part is going to make a bit of difference on whether a stock or mutual fund of mine is going to go up or down or for me to try to rationalize why something went up or down. It simply does not matter. People who spend time doing this are wasting their time and probably hurting their performance, because well when you follow something so intently – you tend to take action – which is usually a bad thing.

From now on I will create these monthly reports – well partly because I started them from the beginning and its fun to see how the month to month fluctuations mean absolutely nothing in the long term. From now on I will check my investments maybe once or twice a year and then pretty much forget about them and live my life – which in the end is the whole purpose of this investing game.

Anyway here is my 2009 year end nestegg report and a chart of its growth over 2009.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $10,919.10 (+5.66%)
My Roth IRA – $32,298.79 (+5.58%)
Wife Roth IRA – $17,936.49 (+6.75%)
Current Traditional 401k – $44,261.51 (+13.03%)

Roth/Traditional % = 47.65% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $105,415.89 (+8.80%)
My Contributions for 2009 $14,383.91
SPY Performance for 2009 +26.46%
Investment Performance for 2009 +32.75 (+6.29%)
Individual Stock Performance for 2009 +35.78% (+9.32%)
Total Investment Return +$22,455.55

2009 Retirement Nestegg Growth

Retirement Nestegg Report October 2009

Retirement Nestegg Report October 2009

Short and sweet this month. Pretty flat – although down about 4% from my interum nestegg report where I broke $100,000 for the first time.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $10,334.01 (-3.37%)
My Roth IRA – $30,592.09 (+1.54%)
Wife Roth IRA – $16,801.79 (+4.59%)
Current Traditional 401k – $39,156.17 (+0.06%)

Roth/Traditional % = 48.92 % (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $96,884.06 (+0.09%)

Interim Retirement Nestegg Report – I broke $100,000 !!

Interim Retirement Nestegg Report – I broke $100,000 !!

Traditional Rollover IRA $10,782.36
My Roth IRA $31,604.25
Wife Roth IRA $17,183.87
Current Traditional 401k $40,916.17

Total Retirement Nest Egg $100,486.65

Well as you can see from above nestegg report I broke through the 6 figure mark for the first time in my life. What does this mean in the grand scheme of things – pretty much nothing, but it is a fun milestone to know that the value of my retirement nestegg reached $100,000 shortly after I turned 30.

On the flip side another milestone that I reached a little late is I now have contributed over $100,000 to my retirement accounts in fact $100,357.96 to be exact. So as you can see I am a horrible investor. After 5 years of living below my means, and consistently contributing a large percentage of my income to my retirement accounts on a regular basis I have amassed $128.69 in investment gains or 0.13% return over 5 years which annualized is even uglier. Far cry from the 10% that most people including myself use for rough planning on how much they will have for retirement huh?

Well there’s more to the story that makes me look slightly better. Over the same period of time the S&P 500 has returned a -2.0%. So while its not exactly apples to apples I am actually slightly beating the market over this year period of time. Woohoo!!

Another very interesting comparison is that the DOW just passed 10,000 for the first time in a year and is at a 52 week high. If I go back exactly 1 year ago – my retirement nestegg was $69,300. So while the DOW has returned 0% over the last 12 months – my retirement nestegg has grown by 44.8%. Even if I take out extra contributions I made during this time I still have a 33.44% market return – which crushes the market return.

Why is this? Is it because all of a sudden I turned into an investing genius? Yes and No. The biggest reason for my market beating returns in the last year was because I did not get freaked out when the market was crashing and everyone was predicting the end of the world. I did not pull my money out of the stock market and I did not stop contributing new money – I did the opposite.

In fact going back and reading my posts from a year ago I did a pretty good job of keeping a level head and taking advantage of the depressed stock prices and kept my purchasing during the huge downturn right on schedule – in fact in many cases I tried to amp it up the best I could and now am reaping the rewards. The simple mantra of Buy Low is not nearly as simple in practice as it sounds, because when things are low everyone blows things out of proportion and tells you the world is going to end and any money invested in stocks will vaporize in a short period of time. Ignoring all of those voices and trusting yourself is not an easy task, but luckily I did ok in my first test as investor and things have turned out ok.

So in the grand scheme of things what does $100,000 mean? Actually pretty much nothing other than I am heading in the general right direction – which is pretty much all you want to do with most long term efforts. Do a number of a little things right and they starting adding up to bigger and bigger accomplishments.

Now I tried this once before and it worked so I figure I would give it a try again. Personally $100,000 is great – it makes me feel good – I can pop an expensive bottle of water and celebrate my conquest of reaching $100,000, but in the grand scheme of things I would much rather see my retirement nestegg fall back down to $50,000 than go up to $150,000 at this point in my life if it means the market is going to tank again as I’m still very young (that’s what old people say each time they reach the next decade of age) and in the long-term I’d be much better off while I am still a net purchaser of investments to have those investment prices depressed.

That being said I look forward to the day my retirement nestegg grows to $200,000, $500,000, and $1,000,000, and beyond.

Retirement Nestegg Report – September 2009

Retirement Nestegg Report – September 2009

My retirement nestegg report for this month. Slowly but surely approaching a six figure retirement nestegg account.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $10,694.27 (+3.89%)
My Roth IRA – $30,126.74 (+4.66%)
Wife Roth IRA – $16,065.05 (+4.41%)
Current Traditional 401k – $39,132.26 (+9.73%)

Roth/Traditional % = 48.10 % (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $96,018.29 (+6.53%)

Holy crap I’m 30 – my 20s financial review

Holy crap I’m 30 – my 20s financial review

Well it seems like just yesterday I was in high school math class learning about exponentiation when a light bulb went off on my head about the power of saving money with compound interest on your side and now I’m 30 – holy crap time flies.

Since this is a pretty historic milestone in my personal finance journey as well as my life in general I thought it would be a good time to sit back and look at the good and bad from the last decade. Some of the items I list may or may not be entirely financial at first glance, but I’m certain they have all affected where I stand financially today.

Things I accomplished financially in my 20s

  • Earned my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science
  • Got Married
  • Had three children
  • Bought a house (not sure that’s an accomplishment given the times I bought it in and well my position on the financial benefits of a house)
  • Earned my Masters Degree in Business
  • Started 401k, Roth IRA, 529 College savings fund (STARTING is the most important thing)
  • Own two vehicles without any auto loans
  • Never carried a balance on a credit card in my life
  • Basically attained my $100,000 by Age 30 retirement nestegg goal
  • Able to have my wife stay at home and raise our children
  • Saved up $35k for our dream house fund
  • Never had an argument with my spouse about money problems (I’m the luckiest guy in the world here where my wife and I see eye to eye when it comes to money)
  • Never had to worry about how to pay the bills (I get extremely nervous when our checking account falls below $2,000)
  • Created this blog

Overall from the positives I really was lucky enough to “get it” financially at a young age and then be lucky enough to get married to a person who thinks and acts the exact same way as me. Now don’t get me wrong we aren’t a pair of tightwads who don’t know how to have fun or enjoy life – its just that we both know whats truly important in life and what will truly make us happy. We don’t need to drop $30,000 on a new car to realize after the fact that owning something new and shiny is not going to make us truly happy.

For us the peace of mind of knowing that by forgoing so called pleasures now will give us the security and freedom to do what we want with our lives and not be worried about trying to pay down debt or being stressed out wondering where the money will come to pay the bills. Money doesn’t control our lives in fact I think its just the opposite – we control our money and are able to live our lives the way we want it – instead of so many people who have it backwards and don’t bother to learn how to manage their money because they don’t care or don’t want to deal with money when deciding what to do or what to purchase and then it ends up running them the rest of their lives.

Overall though I’d say from the list other than marrying an awesome wife – would be my degrees as they are the drivers of my income – amazing how a little work to get a few degrees early on in your life can change the trajectory of your income for the rest of your life. Quite possibly the best investment you can make. Obviously staying clear of bad debt and managing our money is good too, but I’d probably have to put starting this blog very high up on the list. This blog has been invaluable to me to get me thinking about my finances, setting goals for myself and writing them down (amazing how powerful this is), and then being able to constantly be able to come back to my thoughts and plans on this blog really has been a tremendous benefit. I’m sure everyone at some point in time starts planning out their lives or what they want to accomplish, but so many people don’t write it down somewhere and then after a few months/years those plans/thoughts are completely lost. The added benefit of doing it in a blog format is you can get incredibly insightful feedback from people who are kind enough to provide comments or emails on your content (this being a prime example).

Overall I am very happy where we stand today, but as you can see from the list below it wasn’t all easy and mistake free and I wasn’t exactly a model example in my 20s.

Financial Mistakes I have made or areas where I’ve fallen short

  • Buying individual stocks on a whim when first starting out
  • Investing $1700 of “dream house” money into individual stock
  • Purchasing a whole life insurance policy
  • Philanthropy
  • Don’t have a will

Certainly the two stock related items on the list I probably knew better before hand, but can chalk it up to experience. When I first started out I had no clue what I was doing and like 99% of people should have invested in low cost index funds from vanguard and left it at that. I invested all the money at once in 4 individual stocks that I knew nothing about and looking back now lost a fair amount of money – in fact one of those stocks is now bankrupt. Before I bought those stocks I actually got talked into buying a whole life insurance policy and a rather large one at that. I understood compounding and didn’t understand the stock market at all so this was an easy way for me to get started “investing”. The more I read up and learned the more I realized what a horrible “investment” whole life insurance was and eventually cashed out for a term life insurance policy that I purchased over the internet and invested the rest.

Another area where I feel I have fallen short of so far is Philanthropy. My wife and I give to our churches, we pitch in on special items such as donations to Heifer International, family members running marathons for LLS, I volunteer at church and am a member of a Lions Club, but I feel that we could do a lot more with the amount of money that we give to charity and the regularity that we give to charity. We get better each year, but in the end I’d like to see us get at least to 10% of our income in cash donations. I have no idea where we stand on this right now, but I know its probably less than 5%.

A will – I have brought this up a couple times on this blog, have a family member who works for a law firm and can get us a family discount, have over $1M in life insurance, 3 kids, and still have no will. No excuse and this is something we need to do this year.

Things I have not accomplished but should in the next decade

  • Create will (this year darn it)
  • Build house
  • Find job that gives me even more time to spend with family and travel during summer

I have an entire other post that I am working up with goals for myself before I reach age 40, but in general I see the next decade as my major earning years and at the end of the next decade I really hope to be in good shape. About the only stupid thing I plan on doing in the next decade is to build a house. Other than that I hope to continue my retirement savings and build up a nice nestegg heading into my 40s.

I have not calculated out my nestegg values going forward in quite a while but I know a few years back when I did I expected to hit $1 million dollars in retirement accounts by about age 42. This was very dependent upon getting good returns in the stock market, but in general I think by the time I hit 40 things should really be in cruise control. I hope to have most of my house paid off and a very nice cushion in my retirement accounts. When I hit 40 my oldest kid will be 14 years old and I hope that at this point in time since money will be less of a concern that I can become a free lance consultant, become a teacher, or do something that will afford me considerable free time where I can enjoy summers off and vacations with my family. Again look for a post on my XX by Age 40 goals.

In conclusion I feel like I made a number of positive steps in my 30s, I made mistakes that I can learn from, and hopefully in 10 years when I am writing up my “Holy crap I’m 40 – my 30s financial review” I will feel as good about the next 10 years as I did the last 10.