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Retirement Nestegg Report – August 2010

Retirement Nestegg Report – August 2010

Well the market was down 4.5% this month and while I don’t really care about month to month fluctuations it was very nice to see that my nestegg was only down 2% this month. I am very glad I took the time to break out my performance of my investments and compare it to the market in general because I’m finding out that whatever system I have with regard to individual stocks is actually paying off for me with regard to the extra time and risk put into it. Also by always comparing my performance to a relative benchmark I can take a look at a relatively bad month overall for the market that probably would make a lot of people upset and feel very happy that I handily beat the market this month.

Anyway here is my report.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $11,000.91 (-3.31%)
My Roth IRA – $34,823.83 (-0.77%)
Wife Roth IRA – $19,711.32 (-0.27%)
Current Traditional 401k – $63,378.18 (-2.83%)

Roth/Traditional % = 42.81 % (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $128,914.24 (-1.93%)

Monthly Contributions $605.84 (401k)
SPY Performance -4.50%
My Monthly Investment Performance -2.40% (+2.10%)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance -1.06% (+3.44%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – July 2010

Retirement Nestegg Report – July 2010

Here is my monthly nestegg report.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $11,377.09 (+5.42%)
My Roth IRA – $35,095.10 (+5.61%)
Wife Roth IRA – $19,764.27 (+5.80%)
Current Traditional 401k – $65,220.90 (+9.30%)

Roth/Traditional % = 41.73 % (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $131,457.36 (+7.42%)

Monthly Contributions $605.84 (401k)
SPY Performance +6.90%
My Monthly Investment Performance +6.93 % (+0.03%)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance +5.63 % (-1.27%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – June 2010

Retirement Nestegg Report – June 2010

Well things are headed down again and I have to admit I am sort of hooked back into the market and have been doing a lot of research on possible investments again. Funny if you read my posts from the turn of the year I had pretty much said I was in cruise control and would only be looking at my investments a couple times a year. Well that certainly hasn’t been the case and I have been doing a lot more research and been buying a few new stocks as of late.

Part of my excitement may have been due to the fact that the market is headed south again and also because I went back and calculated my individual stock performance since I started investing (previously I had lumped it in with my 401k/mutual funds) and found out that my individual stocks purchases are consistently beating the market and my mutual fund purchases and have been the last 4 years. You can now see this additional line item “Individual Stock Performance” and my performance vs the SP500 at the end of each Nestegg Report.

Here is my individual stock performance for 2006-2010 YTD vs the SP500
2006 -1.59%
2007 +1.76%
2008 +1.42%
2009 +9.32%
2010 YTD +6.13%

The only year I have trailed the SP500 was my first year and I sure picked some horrible stocks with my first couple purchases. Since then I have been doing pretty well. I guess this justifies some of the time I spend researching individual stocks.

Here is my monthly nestegg report.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $10,792.32 (-2.27%)
My Roth IRA – $33,229.84 (-2.72%)
Wife Roth IRA – $18,681.44 (-7.15%)
Current Traditional 401k – $59,670.70 (-2.29%)

Roth/Traditional % = 42.42 % (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $122,374.30 (-3.18%)

Monthly Contributions $908.76 (401k)
SPY Performance -5.15%
My Monthly Investment Performance -3.90 % (+1.25%)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance -4.52 % (+0.63%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – May 2010

Retirement Nestegg Report – May 2010

Well another volatile month for the stock market and I think I read somewhere that this was the worst May for the stock market since 1962. This is good news for young people like me as long as we can keep our jobs as this will likely allow us to buy the stocks that will fuel our investment performance over the next 30 years at very discounted prices. I believe the last downturn I did a very good job of keeping my cool and sticking with my plan and taking advantage of the depressed stock prices. I also had the luxury of seeing how fast things grow in a recovery and how all of that keeping your cool when the world is ending really pays off. I can’t tell you how many investments I have had grow 100%,200%,500% or more in the span of only a year and countless others that I had considered purchasing do the same. I am proud of how I handled the last downturn, but really feel I will have a leg up for future downturns. Anyway here is this months retirement nestegg report

Traditional Rollover IRA – $11,043.50 (-7.25%)
My Roth IRA – $34,159.75 (-7.54%)
Wife Roth IRA – $20,119.40 (-3.74%)
Current Traditional 401k – $61,068.04 (-9.34%)

Roth/Traditional % = 42.95 % (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $126,390.69 (-7.82%)

Monthly Contributions $605.84 (401k)
SPY Performance -8.38%
My Monthly Investment Performance -8.26 % (+0.12%)
My Monthly Individual Stocks Performance -6.35 % (+2.03%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – April 2010

Retirement Nestegg Report – April 2010

Traditional Rollover IRA – $11,906.58 (-1.03%)
My Roth IRA – $36,947.37 (+4.14%)
Wife Roth IRA – $20,901.23 (+7.81%)
Current Traditional 401k – $67,360.15 (+2.73%)

Roth/Traditional % = 42.19 % (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $137,115.33 (+3.51%)

Monthly Contributions $605.84 (401k)
SPY Performance +3.04%
My Monthly Investment Performance +3.05 % (+0.01%)
My Monthly Individual Stock Performance +4.27 % (+1.18%)

My Top 15 Holdings – March 2010

My Top 15 Holdings – March 2010

I’ve never really discussed any of the investments that I have before, but on occasion I do get asked what I am invested in and thought this might be useful for me as a learning tool as I look back in time. This list is probably something I will only update once a year as it probably won’t change much.

Anyway these are my top 15 holdings in my various retirement accounts as of March 2010 and the percentage of my portfolio that is invested in them. Currently these top 15 holdings make up 75%+ of my portfolio – although I do have about 45 other smaller investments that make up the remaining 25%. As you can see the top 3 holdings are mutual funds that I hold in my 401k account – the rest with the exception of UMBIX are individual stocks. I in no way condone this type of investing and highly recommend that most people just stick their money in a low cost no-load index fund or lifestyle fund.

REREX 24.00%
VPMCX 15.04%
VEXMX 10.49%
BRK.B 4.29%
DLB 3.96%
QSII 3.13%
BWLD 2.99%
UMBIX 2.76%
NFLX 2.68%
SNS BH 2.03%
ATVI 1.82%
UNT 1.17%
PCAR 1.09%
CSE 1.08%
SBUX 0.98%
UA 0.91%
Retirement Nestegg Report – March 2010

Retirement Nestegg Report – March 2010

I am actually kind of stunned at how fast my nest egg has been growing of late. It wasn’t too long ago I just passed $100k and now I’m 1/3rd of the way to $200k. In fact just 13 months ago my retirement nestegg was sitting at a measly $59k and the best part is the market is doing all of the hard work for me. My contributions have slowed down pretty considerably lately since we are saving for a new house and yet my nestegg is ballooning. This is directly related to the extra money I invested when the market was tanking and just shows the power of consistently investing money in the market over time and over the long term – good things are likely to happen.

Something new this month that I realized wasn’t too hard to include is my investment performance against the SP500 each month. This will exclude any contributions that I made this month and show the true reason my accounts are rising or falling and whether or not my personal decision not to just buy index funds is a worthwhile effort. I went and updated the previous reports and so far in 2010 I am beating the SP500 by 11.83% 1.29% (mistakingly included 401k vesting berfore) I also calculated my performance for last year and last year I beat the SP500 by 9.26% 6.29% so I must be doing something right. Anyway here is this month’s report.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $12,030.93 (+9.77%)
My Roth IRA – $35,478.99 (+5.06%)
Wife Roth IRA – $19,387.04 (+3.88%)
Current Traditional 401k – $65,569.25 (+11.57%)

Roth/Traditional % = 41.42% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $132,466.21 (+8.43%)

Monthly Contributions $3,021.70 (401k)
SPY Performance +4.19% 5.65% (forgot dividend)
My Monthly Investment Performance +5.96% (+0.31%)
My Monthly Individual Stock Performance +5.53% (-0.12%)