The Carnival of Personal Finance – Celebrity Addition

The Carnival of Personal Finance – Celebrity Addition

This week’s carnival of personal finance is being held over at the binary dollar.  I’ve talked in the past about how much work goes into hosting a carnival, especially now that they have grown to be so big and you get so many submissions.  So when you do something creative like Binary Dollar did this week, you really deserve some credit.

This week’s carnival is all GUI based,  in other words there are no words.  Just a bunch of celebrity pictures in different categories.  Each picture links to a article submitted to the carnival.  Dawn at FrugalForLife did something similar with the carnival of personal finance a few weeks back and I love it.  The carnivals tend to get pretty boring, especially due to their frequency and the large amount of submissions.  I think it’s great when the host thinks outside of the box like this and makes things interesting.

Anyway go check out the carnival.  I don’t want to put words into BinaryDollar’s mouth, but  I’m pretty sure he thought my post was the best of the carnival, because well check out my celebrity icon

Great quote on frugality

Great quote on frugality

I ran across this quote in one of My Two Dollar’s articles a little while back and think it does a great job of summing up the attitude that frugal people have towards money (at least for me)

We save money for what is important to us, not what is important to other people. And that allows us to live a comfortable life on our terms, not on other people’s. We do not make a lot of money, lest you think that. We are just very careful what we spend it on.

My Two Dollars

New webhost

New webhost


I just moved my site to a new hosting company. If you see anything out of whack please let me know. While I wasn’t having problems before, hopefully this means a faster snappier site for you.


Personal Finance March Madness

Personal Finance March Madness

FreeMoneyFinance is getting into the March Madness spirit by starting his own tournament featuring the 64 best articles in all personal finance land. Each personal finance blogger is allowed to submit 4 articles to the selection committee and the top 64 will get put into the bracket. From there it’s head to head competition until only one article remains. The winner gets all kinds of goodies and not to mention bragging rights for an entire year.

You have until the end of this weekend to submit your articles and the tournament kicks off Tuesday, March 6th.

Here are the four articles that I submitted to the competition. Stop by FreeMoneyFinance the week of March 6th and see if any of them made the tournament.

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Pay off Debt or Invest for Retirement

Pay off Debt or Invest for Retirement

I recently had a reader who wanted me to write an article on whether it’s better to pay down debt or invest. Seeing as how I was recently profiled over at No Credit Needed I figured now was as good as anytime to tackle this subject.

What’s better, paying off debt or investing?
My theory is that I’d rather have less debt because I don’t like owing money even if the interest on debt is less than the return on the investment.


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It’s one thing learn something it’s another thing to actually act on the information

It’s one thing learn something it’s another thing to actually act on the information

A couple days ago my wife was reading CNN in the morning when she came across an article on a peanut butter recall, we both read the article and seeing how she is thinking about starting her own parenting blog I even mentioned to her that breaking news articles like that could fill some of her content on her blog. I sort of smiled to myself throughout the day as I ran across blog articles like this here, here, here, and probably about 5 other blogs. Well about 3-4 days go by and I’m about to leave work yesterday and my wife IMs me and says “My goodness MFJ do you realize you’ve been eating the bad peanut butter!” Sure enough even though we never purchaase Peter Pan, for whatever reason last time we went shopping we picked up Peter Pan crunchy peanut butter and sure enough the product number starts out with 2111.Also turns out that I spent most of last night praying at the porcelain alter, although I doubt it is because I was eating tainted peanut butter as the stomach flu has been going around my family.

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