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Retirement Nestegg Report – April 2009

Retirement Nestegg Report – April 2009

Well not quite as good of month as last month, but pretty darn good. I guess I will take 17 or 18% gains every month. I’m really going to be disappointed when things return to normal and I’m not having 15% swings in either direction each month. The last 2 years in the stock market sure has been a lot of fun!

One thing I will mention in this months report is that I pretty much have all but abandoned making my $100,000 by Age 30 goal. It was within my grasp, but I made a conscious decision late last year to start saving up for a new house and that has trumped my retirement saving here in the short-term. I still will come close by my 30ths birthday ($90k+), but am afraid I will not actually meet my original goal and I am ok with that.

Anyway here is the report.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $9,440.31 (+15.79%)
My Roth IRA – $ 26,509.50 (+22.32%)
Wife Roth IRA – $13,932.31 (+18.91%)
Current Traditional 401k – $27,418.91 (+13.32%)

Roth/Traditional % = 52.32% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $77,301.03 (+17.56%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – March 2009

Retirement Nestegg Report – March 2009

Well I’m pretty sure this is the biggest single increase I’ve ever had in a single month by far! At this rate I will be retired in no time! In all seriousness this just proves my previous points about how getting in and out of the market to try to time it is a fools game and there is no way you can get back in in time to not lose your butt in the process. If you don’t believe me check out the unfortunate mishap that happened to 2million. Not saying we won’t go much lower from here, but just shows you how volatile things get when things get ugly in the stock market.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $8,152.87 (+16.41%)
My Roth IRA – $21,687.83 (+17.29%)
Wife Roth IRA – $11,717.15 (+17.97%)
Current Traditional 401k – $24,195.47 (+21.77%)

Roth/Traditional % = 50.80% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $65,753.32 (+18.91%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – February 2009

Retirement Nestegg Report – February 2009

Another brutal month as far as performance goes. Nestegg value feel by about 8% and as much as I know this is an opportunity for me, it is hard sometimes to see the progress or any forward momentum when your portfolio value is almost half of what it was a year ago.

Of course I’m not alone as I’m pretty much just keeping on track with the market and even guys like Warren Buffett have faired just as bad or even worse. The great news though is that I’m young and I don’t need this money for the next 30 years so while it’s somewhat depressing to see your saving and hard work go up in flames in the short term the odds are in my favor that long term I am still very much headed in the right direction.

Anyway here are this months results.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $7,003.59 (-4.68%)
My Roth IRA – $18,490.95 (-12.13%)
Wife Roth IRA – $9,932.34 (-12.59%)
Current Traditional 401k – $19,868.59 (-1.51%)

Roth/Traditional % = 51.40% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $55,295.47 (-7.73%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – January 2009

Retirement Nestegg Report – January 2009

My retirement nestegg dropped in value by over 12%, which I believe is slightly worse than the market over that period of time. No big concerns at this point other than the fact that my contributions have been a little lacking lately due to the fact that I’ve gotten pretty excited about saving for a house we want to build in the next couple years and have been beefing that fund up lately to the detriment of my retirement contributions. It probably should be the other way around in this market, but both my wife and I are pretty excited to move into our “dream house” sooner than later and by getting a good house fund built up is becoming a priority.

Here are the figures for this month – if things keep going the way they are our new house fund might surpass our retirement nestegg!

Traditional Rollover IRA – $7,347.80 (-10.94%)
My Roth IRA – $21,043.66 (-11.74%)
Wife Roth IRA – $11,362.75 (-12.21%)
Current Traditional 401k – $20,173.86 (-14.30%)

Roth/Traditional % = 54.08% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $59,928.07 (-12.61%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – December 2008 (+8.54%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – December 2008 (+8.54%)

Well 2008 sure was an exciting year and I certainly learned a lot in the process. As for my retirement nestegg I actually lost just over 5% for the year. That is not the whole story though because I also contributed about $15-$20k this year that is not currently showing up on paper.

I guess if I had just checked my balance at Jan 1, 2008 and and Jan 1,2009 it probably would have been a pretty boring year and to be honest this is probably what most people should do so they don’t’ get caught up in all of the nonesense and excitement that is the stock market that the mainstream media portrays to the average investor.

Me on the other hand the only real reason I check is to keep this blog updated and well I’ve got a pretty strong stomach and actually found some of the massive drops to be quite entertaining this year. I also think this year of being fully invested will make me a much better investor going forward. It will certainly be a while before I start sweating a 3% drop in one day. Heck if its not double digits I’m not sure why the media wastes their time reporting it 🙂

I’ve also learned to keep my cool, not act irrationally, and believe the mantra that “if its too good to be true” it always is. Ever since I started this blog I’ve harped on and on about how I wanted a major recession when I was young and would actually prefer to lose money on my investments and see my nestegg shrink than grow. I’ve got time on my side and I don’t need any of this money right now. I need it in 2038 so if the stock market wants to tank from 2004-2024 I am ok with that as long as I have a job. I’d much rather be an investor now than in the 1990s when stocks did nothing but go up.

Anyway here is my December report and a graph of my nestegg growth or lack thereof for the exciting year that was 2008.

Traditional Rollover IRA – $8,250.71 (+7.89%)
My Roth IRA – $23,843.67 (+4.00%)
Wife Roth IRA – $12,943.64 (+18.40%)
Current Traditional 401k – $23,538.41 (+8.80%)

Roth/Traditional % = 53.64% (tax free)

Total Retirement Nest Egg $68,576.43 (+8.54%)

My Contributions for 2008 $30,510.38
SPY Performance for 2008 -38.42%
Investment Performance for 2008 -47.98% (-9.56%)
Individual Stock Performance for 2008 -37.00% (+1.42%)
Total Investment Return -$35,108.72

Nestegg Growth

Retirement Nestegg Report – November 2008(-8.83%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – November 2008(-8.83%)

Well the carnage continues and it does not look to be slowing down. In fact in the first day of December my portfolio already lost a bigger percentage than it lost in the entire month of November. Regardless I am actually feeling very good about my prospects right now and even today’s monster drop does not make me the least bit nervous. So I’m either blissfully stupid or I have my emotions in proper check.

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Retirement Nestegg Report – October 2008 (-18.43%)

Retirement Nestegg Report – October 2008 (-18.43%)

Ok it’s all my fault. From my June 2008 nestegg report

I am really excited to hear of all of this bear market talk and really hope the bear market is hear to stay for a while as at this stage in my life I am plowing a considerable amount of money into the stock market and I’d much rather be buying stocks falling 20-30% than having to purchase stocks who are constantly going up. I’ve often mused that someone my age who is contributing money for their retirement should be rooting for the stock market to get slaughtered and while the market hasn’t exactly gone down too dramatically yet, I’ll be happy to see my nestegg head closer to $50,000 than $100,000 if it means I get to buy some cheaper investments now and make more in the long run.

Well I think I pretty much got exactly what I was asking for. Overall this month my portfolio fell over 18% and

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