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Month: March 2006



I know I don’t include my debt when it comes to figuring out my net worth, and I think my reasons for that are still valid. However by not tracking it on my blog, it is not on the forefront of my mind every day and well I don’t get to hear people’s opinions on my entire financial picture. Anyway part of the reason for not including my Mortgage/HELOC was because they were “cheap” debt that I did not need to worry about and that the focus of this blog was getting me to retirement and I did not see my mortgage debt or student loans getting in my way. They would just slowly get paid off over the next 30 years so when it came to retirement they would no longer exist.

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Money Blog Network Forums

Money Blog Network Forums

The Money Blog Network recently opened up a forum at If you are a personal finance blogger check it out, the forums just started but there is already tons of great information out there. In fact after reading a post today, I’m already starting to rethink my philosphy from this post I made yesterday about what to write on my blog – I guess it really is not that important to be completely unique with every post because not everyone out there reads 100 pf blogs a day like I do and what may redundant information to me may not be for readers who only read a few blogs a day.

Anyway check out the forums they really are great, and well now I can add daily trips to the forums in addition to all the blogs I keep track of. Thanks I think 😉

Writing content for a Personal Finance Blog

Writing content for a Personal Finance Blog

I’ve only been blogging for about 3 months now, so I’m still trying to find the best method to go about maintaining this site. One of the issues I struggle with is what to post and how often to post. While I know its important to post regularly to keep people interested in your blog, I also think that you can go over board with lots and lots of trivial posts. I know I have removed some blogs from my RSS feed just because they post too darn much and I’d never have the time to read every single post.

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Am I saving too much in tax-advantaged accounts?

Am I saving too much in tax-advantaged accounts?

Kind of feel weird even suggesting such a thought, because as a personal finance nut it is my job to fully take advantage of every possible edge I can use to stretch my dollars. Whether it is signing up for the rewards card with the biggest cash back, putting money in the highest yeild savings account, or stashing as much money away as possible where Uncle Sam can’t get his grimey mits on it. However I am continually wondering if I may be going overboard on my retirement savings, in fact I’m honestly worried that by putting so much money away in my retirement accounts that I may actually be delaying my retirement. Eeek!

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Cashed in my hoard of savings bonds

Cashed in my hoard of savings bonds

Today I gathered up all of the savings bonds that my wife and I had accumilated over the years and took them to the bank to be cashed in. It’s the first time I had ever tried to cash in a savings bond and well the process wasn’t entirely too painful. We ended having almost $1000 in savings bonds between us and we’ll be using the money to pay off our HELOC instead. I’m also happy because now I don’t have to worry about misplacing or losing the bond certificates, just bugs me not having electronic proof my assets. If you want to know what your savings bonds are worth a good website to use is (actually came up with the same amounts the bank did).

[tags]Savings Bonds[/tags]

Credit Scores Revamped

Credit Scores Revamped

It appears that the three main credit reporting agencies have decided to adopt the same scoring system for determining your credit score. In the past each company had its own method of determining credit scores and each had different ranges of possible scores.

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