Top three gadgets that can actually save you money
Ran across this article today about gadgets that can actually save you money. I guess the topic of the article got me because lots of times items that are suppose to “save you money” actually cost your more in the long run. Example: hybrid cars. Anyway one item that caught my eye from the article was the Spin-x-dryer. It is a spin dryer that uses centrifigal force to dry your clothes. Supposably it uses the same amount of energy that your normal dryer uses in the first 15 seconds of operation (I’d like to see some more stats on this as that is kind of a unique statistic), but anyway it seemed pretty cool. On top of that it supposably dries your clothes that much faster, although I am not sure what the capacity on that thing is. Anyway I had never heard of a spin dryer before and well I’ve never bought a dryer and hopefully won’t be in the market for one for quite a while I guess I would at least take a closer look at a spin dryer.
See rest of article here Gadgets that can save you money