Writing content for a Personal Finance Blog

Writing content for a Personal Finance Blog

I’ve only been blogging for about 3 months now, so I’m still trying to find the best method to go about maintaining this site. One of the issues I struggle with is what to post and how often to post. While I know its important to post regularly to keep people interested in your blog, I also think that you can go over board with lots and lots of trivial posts. I know I have removed some blogs from my RSS feed just because they post too darn much and I’d never have the time to read every single post.

Right now I try to write two to three quality posts a week and keep the fluff posts to a minimum. The problem I find is trying to be unique or provide information to my readers that isn’t readily available on every personal finance blog out there. Take for example today. Google realeased its new Google Finance beta and while I found out about it fairly early this morning, I decided not to bother with a post about it because I knew that just about every website/blog on the internet would have some mention of it and well I don’t think I have enough popularity at this point where someone might actually find about it first at my website. Nothing against the blogs that did report on it, as it really is great news for the personal finance geeks out there, it’s just that my blog is probably not a first stop for a lot of people so this news would be old and redundant.

So bear with me as I try to find my niche out in the commmunity. I do feel that I probably should be less picky about my posting and probably start posting at least 5-7 times a week just to let people know that my blog is still alive and kicking, it’s just that I want to provide something useful to my readers and not just a bunch of “ING raised their rates again” posts. I do like some of the tutorials or multi-part posts that some of the pf bloggers have written in the past and I think this is probably an area I will try to focus on going forward. This way it allows you to really dig in depth into a topic, but still be able to break the topic up into smaller sections that can be posted over a series of days.

Anyway I’m still trying to find my place out here so bear with me.